Subasta de arqueología (arte antiguo exclusivo)

The objects are offered by IADAA members only. Members of IADAA guarantee the authenticity of the objects offered. Members of IADAA adhere to strict due diligence guidelines concerning the provenance of their objects. Therefore, buying an object at the Exclusive Ancient Art Auction is as safe as buying it in the gallery of an IADAA member.

The objects are offered by IADAA members only. Members of IADAA guarantee the authenticity of the objects offered. Members of IADAA adhere to strict due diligence guidelines concerning the provenance of their objects. Therefore, buying an object at the Exclusive Ancient Art Auction is as safe as buying it in the gallery of an IADAA member.

Esta subasta forma parte de Arqueología

No te pierdas ninguna de las subastas

¿Crees que tienes el objeto perfecto para una de nuestras subastas?
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